Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Fast Fun Facts...

in case anyone has wondered...

# of states I have traveled since August 2005: 8

States I have traveled: Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Utah

Major cities I have visited: San Antonio, El Paso, Phoenix, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Portland, Seattle, Reno, Las Vegas

interstate (and states) I have traveled on:
I-10: Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California
I-5: California, Oregon, Washington
I-15: California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah
I-8: California, Arizona
I-80: California, Nevada
I-17: Arizona
I-40: Arizona
I-70: Utah

National Parks/Monuments/Recreation Areas/Historic Sites/Preserves visited:

--Sequoia/Kings Canyon NP (2 times) (CA)
--Yosemite NP (4times) (CA)
--Lassen Volcanic NP (CA)
--Crater Lake NP (OR)
--Lava Beds NM (2 times) (CA)
--Santa Monica NRA (CA)
--Golden Gate NRA (CA)
--Cabrillo NM (CA)
--John Muir NHS (CA)
--Mojave NPr (CA)
--Joshua Tree NP (CA)
--Casa Grande Ruins NM (AZ)
--Grand Canyon NP (AZ)
--Petrified Forest NP (AZ)
--Zion NP (UT)
--Bryce Canyon NP (UT)
...and hopefully a few more to come!! I have a 25 hour ride home so maybe that will break the monotony of the road!!!

Friends and/or family I have spent time with on the road:

Stantons/Cooks (Stanton's are cousins) in San Diego area for Thanksgiving (and the UT-a&m game...Hook 'em!)
Jerry Leonard (college buddy) Fresno and Bay area
Carol Loveless (LJ friend) in Phoenix
Paula White (Sarah's friend/my newest friend) in Vegas, baby!
Sarah Wells (my favorite girl/girlfriend/LJ friend) in Vegas, baby!!!

# of times I said I was going to teach myself the guitar: 6
# of times I have tried: 3
# of times I tried to strum a chord: approx. 45
# of times I got a chord right on: 2 (same chord)

Books I have read:

Cannery Row - John Steinbeck
How the Light Gets In - M. J. Hyland
For Men Only - Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn

Books I have read portions of:

Holy Bible
Searching for God Knows What - Donald Miller
Up To No Good: The Rascally Things Boys Do - Kitty Harmon; ed.
Travels with Charley: In Search of America - John Steinbeck

Sporting events I have attended:

ou @ UCLA - football @ Rose Bowl (ou sucks)
Texas @ Stanford - baseball @ Sunken Diamond
Houston Astros @ Arizona Diamondbacks

# of pictures taken: approx 1000

# of times pulled over by a Park Ranger: 1

# of times I had to stop...and then drive through the smoke engulfing the road...of a wildfire: 1

This is just a portion of all I have experienced on the West Coast. I'll update it if I think of some I need to get some sleep, as I have to be at my school at 7am!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Memorial Day

Tomorrow is Memorial Day in the United States. For most of us Americans, that means a three-day weekend to play with family and/or friends. I too have been guilty of missing the true meaning of this day of remembrance.

Memorial Day is a time to remember and thank those that have fought and/or died for this great country. Friday I watched the fictional movie "Saving Private Ryan" twice on TNT. When the movie came out, many people said that WWII veterans might not want to watch because of the realism of war depicted in the movie. The movie, although ficticious, was very real in the killing that took place between the US and Germany, and it made it real to me through a TV set what our grandfathers went through while fighting. I had two grandfathers that fought in WWII and I am so thankful both came home safely. I also had an uncle in Vietnam and a brother that was enlisted twice in the Army during the war in Iraq. My brother never saw combat because of his family situation, but his company lost some men one week after being shipped to Iraq. I cannot imagine the bravery that the men and women that have fought in our Armed Forces have to have to be willing to fight and die for us as we go on with our regular lives here in the US.

Those of us born after Vietnam and for the next couple of decades have been lucky enough not to have endured any major wars. Now we have been in Iraq for the past several years and we have lost thousands of US soldiers who have followed in the footsteps of those before them. Giving of their lives to fight for what is right and to give us the freedom we live with here. I do not think anyone wants war, but it is a necessary evil in the world we live in. It always has been and always will be. Those that have given of their time and lives deserve the utmost respect from us civilians, because without their sacrifices, we would not be able to have a three-day weekend to grill our steaks or play at the beach or watch afternoon baseball.

The Armed Forces are doing good things in Iraq. Many of the troops that are there are there because they wanted to fight for our country, and many have given their lives. I cannot imagine the grief of the families, I can only be thankful that mine were returned home safely.

On this Memorial Day, please say a prayer for those that have fallen and those that have fought and continue to fight to give the freedom we love in this country. GOD BLESS THE US ARMED FORCES and GOD BLESS THE USA!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

My Time on the Road...

It has been more than a month since I last posted on here, so for those that might read this to keep up with me on the road, I am sorry. My mind has been void of thoughts to put down on paper (or this blog). My time here on the West Coast is almost over now and I am about to return home in a little over a month from now. I have really enjoyed my nine months out here, but I am really ready to be home again close to family and friends.

My time here has made me realize what is important in my life:

1. God - I have had a relationship with God for most of my life, except for some time after college. But it was last year in White Rock, Arkansas (of all places) that I finally realized God's calling in my life. Some that have known me in the past would realize this is a huge change from what they knew me as, and I hope I have the chance to see them again and tell them of my calling and my desire for them to have that same personal relationship with God that I was able to find in the mountains of Arkansas. The great thing about the God I serve, is he is a forgiving God that always welcomes me back with arms of the loving Father that he is. I do not deserve this love, but I humbly accept it. I know that I am a sinner my nature, but I also know that God sent his son to die for my sins and by accepting him into my heart, that my sins are forgiven.

2. Family - My family has had it's problems like all do. I have done some things that I know have hurt them, mostly out of my own irresponsibility, and I am sorry for those mistakes. I am also very lucky to have a family that loves each other and that was raised in the church and that raised me and my brothers in the church as well. My parents and grandparents have been the ultimate Christian examples to me, even through all the trials we may have gone through. My time and love with them is something I would not trade for anything on this earth.

3. Friends - I have been fortunate to have many friends in my lifetime. I have some friends that I have been able to keep contact with after many years and some that I have found recently after many years of separation. I value friendship very much and am thankful for the friends that I have had and still have. The hardest part of this job I have had is not having that constant interaction with friends. I have had a few chances to meet up with friends while on the road, and they have been the best days out here, just catching up and hanging out, two things I love to do!

4. Church - There was a time for several years after college that I did not think the fellowship of church was too important, so I did not go. This only facilitated my falling-away from God and his love for me. Like I said earlier, I am lucky to have been raised in the church, and I feel even luckier to have been raised in the Lake Jackson Church of the Nazarene. A step more recently was when I stated to get involved with the youth group there. The church provides not only weekly times of being fed the Word of God, it is a support system of prayer and help. I am so happy to have gotten back into my home church and I am very thankful for all that the church family has done for me, and especially the relationships I have made there.

So, I have come full-circle to explain this post...

I want everyone that reads this to know I have been called into full-time youth ministry. I realized that call in the mountains of Arkansas. I love the fact that God can bring one of his children that has turned his back on him so many times before and bring him back into his arms. I love the teens at Lake Jackson Nazarene and I have a blast with them! I will be home next year (at least in the Houston area) so I will be able to have an awesome support group again and be able to minister to them and have them minister to me as well. I know that the call on my life will eventually lead me away from home again, but I am excited for the opportunity that God has placed on my heart. If you remember, please pray for me - that I will be a Christ-like witness to all that I come in contact with, if I know them or not, and that I will continue to do the Lord's will for my life and those around me.

I am writing this as a reminder and a piece of accountability, so I hope it will help serve as both. To those at home, see you soon...To my friends that are away, hope to see you as well! Thanks for your friendship and love, and I hope you know it is reciprocated back to you!