Memorial Day

Tomorrow is Memorial Day in the United States. For most of us Americans, that means a three-day weekend to play with family and/or friends. I too have been guilty of missing the true meaning of this day of remembrance.
Memorial Day is a time to remember and thank those that have fought and/or died for this great country. Friday I watched the fictional movie "Saving Private Ryan" twice on TNT. When the movie came out, many people said that WWII veterans might not want to watch because of the realism of war depicted in the movie. The movie, although ficticious, was very real in the killing that took place between the US and Germany, and it made it real to me through a TV set what our grandfathers went through while fighting. I had two grandfathers that fought in WWII and I am so thankful both came home safely. I also had an uncle in Vietnam and a brother that was enlisted twice in the Army during the war in Iraq. My brother never saw combat because of his family situation, but his company lost some men one week after being shipped to Iraq. I cannot imagine the bravery that the men and women that have fought in our Armed Forces have to have to be willing to fight and die for us as we go on with our regular lives here in the US.
Those of us born after Vietnam and for the next couple of decades have been lucky enough not to have endured any major wars. Now we have been in Iraq for the past several years and we have lost thousands of US soldiers who have followed in the footsteps of those before them. Giving of their lives to fight for what is right and to give us the freedom we live with here. I do not think anyone wants war, but it is a necessary evil in the world we live in. It always has been and always will be. Those that have given of their time and lives deserve the utmost respect from us civilians, because without their sacrifices, we would not be able to have a three-day weekend to grill our steaks or play at the beach or watch afternoon baseball.
The Armed Forces are doing good things in Iraq. Many of the troops that are there are there because they wanted to fight for our country, and many have given their lives. I cannot imagine the grief of the families, I can only be thankful that mine were returned home safely.
On this Memorial Day, please say a prayer for those that have fallen and those that have fought and continue to fight to give the freedom we love in this country. GOD BLESS THE US ARMED FORCES and GOD BLESS THE USA!
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