"The Great Communicator"

Today I spent my afternoon at the Ronald W. Reagan Presidential Library and Museum
in Simi Valley, CA. Being a fan of history and a fan of President Reagan, it was a great trip to see the history of a true American hero, as well as a hero to the world. The museum had several displays of the President and Mrs. Reagan's personal items, several short films, an exact replica of the Oval Office when President Reagan was in office. But, by far the coolest thing there was the Air Force One 737 used by President Reagan (as well as six others, including our current President, George W. Bush). You were able to go through the plane and view the inside of this magnificent flying machine. It was a lot smaller than I thought (I hear the newer 747 is a lot bigger), but is was no coach flight.
My first memories of a President on TV was President Reagan. I was only 8 when he was inaugurated for his first term, so my knowledge of the political world was nil. In fact, the only reason I remember him at first is because I happened to be "sick" the day of the assassination attempt on him (March 30, 1981). I remember my mom crying on the phone as the news hit the TV. I also remember him grieving with the nation as they held a memorial service for the 7 astronauts that lost their lives on the Space Shuttle Challenger, and I remember him when the Berlin Wall fell.
The last one is probably the one that will last as one of the greatest crowning accomplishments during his presidency. The ideals of Communism had conflicted the United States and the USSR for almost a half-century . President Reagan stood firm against the Russians and their desires for a Communist world-order. His policy of "peace through strength" is a lasting legacy.
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